TOUR SOL INVICTUS | 24.09.2015 | Sao Paulo
Espaco das Americas. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Tour Poster
Desgined by John Howard available at Secret Serpents.
Set List
Land Of Sunshine
Everything's Ruined
Sunny Side Up
Midlife Crisis
Chinese Arithmetic
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
Separation Anxiety
Ashes to Ashes
The Crab Song
From Out of Nowhere
I Started A Joke
Faith no More compensa show curto com músicas que não tocava
há anos
By José Norberto Flesch
All in white world on a stage full of flowers. Yes, Faith No
More repeated scenery and costumes of the SWU show in 2011 yesterday at the
Espaço das Américas, the last time it
came to Brazil. But the comparison to that. The band played a short concert 1:20 a.m. but intense and full of surprises in
the repertoire.
Faith No More abre os caminhos da turnê “Sol Invictus” em SP
e volta ao Rock in Rio nesta sexta
By Fabiano Alcântara / Photos Manuela Scarpa
Cauteloso, mas ainda intenso: mais um show do Faith No More
em São Paulo
On the technical side, the musicians are still flawless. Not a
wrong note, absolute precision in all beats. It is an almost perfect show, on
paper, bringing everything that any normal fan would expect. However, comparing
the show to the last two passages of the band here, this was less relaxed and
had less improvisation by Mike Patton. No extended music for 10 minutes, no
Mike down in the audience, and a chorus of "fucking shit" better
behaved than normal. Cool was a time when Mike Patton asked if the audience
would rather hear Caetano Veloso, received a "go get your ass" of a
person in the audience, and exchanged friendly insults for a few seconds.
O Faith No More e a estranha mente de Mike Patton
More than a singer, on stage Mike Patton is an actor. His looks, grimacing, serious, then laughs without reason. Loved by women and
admired (for his madness) by men, Patton turned leader of the band since the
success of 'The Real Thing', to this day the best album of the guys. Patton has
a strong connection with Brazil for many years, so that risked a Portuguese
version of 'Evidence' and released several curious words during the show - my favourite was 'sacanaaaagem, sacanaaagem', with a tone and 'carioca crook'.
Patton has a troubled look, it's scary just you wonder what
might be going through your head. Something very strange thing to happen in
there the whole time. If you doubt this, try playing the face of solo projects
as Fantomas, Brujeira and Mr. Bungle and then tell me. I wonder neurons Mike
Patton, thousands of mini-Mike Patton of little hair gel and mustache Mexican
singer, conspiring to create as many follies per minute.
Love the perfomance.