POSTS FOR BREAKFAST | 09.09.2015 | Interviews

A round up of recent interviews with Faith No More.

Post Troubadour interview with Bill Gould

By J.Bennett

When was the last time Faith No More played a place this small? 
We actually did about a month ago in Germany. We do it once in a while. But this was cool. The monitors weren’t much—you couldn’t hear too much up there. But we used to play shit like this all the time, so we’re used to it. What were Faith No More’s club shows like back in the day? 
Fucked. [Laughs] Well, there were different stages. There were the early club shows in San Francisco where nobody gave a fuck who we were. We played horrible shows for many years. Then we managed to get on the road in a truck and we did our first tour. Those were shitty shows, too, but we drove 12 hours a day and slept on people’s floors, so there was some added spice there. They were great times, actually. We were young enough to absorb it well. We fought a lot, but we had great shows. I actually really miss doing stuff like this. What I wanna do after this is walk straight downstairs and go to the bar because that’s what we used to do after shows. That’s where you meet people and hang out. That’s half the fun of the show—hanging out with people you don’t know. I was totally into that. Plus, you needed to find a place to stay. [Laughs] So that’s when the real work begins. 
Did you guys have to deal with hecklers much?

Absolutely. We love hecklers. The thing is, in the beginning days, we were kind of the hecklers because we had so much indifference. We tried to piss people off, and if we did piss them off, that meant whatever we were doing was working. We liked that; we thrived on that. But back in the early ’80s, bands like Flipper were still playing. This culture of animosity was kinda part of the fun. Later, when we did bigger shows with Metallica, the audience didn’t quite see the humor in the antagonism. But we had fun with that, too. I mean, some of those people hated us. We were showered with spit and bottles. The Guns N’ Roses tour—those people totally hated us. But we had fun.

Pre Red Rocks interview with Roddy Bottum

By Tom Murphy
If someone had a problem with it, I don't think they would address that to my face. Bigotry is chickenshit, you know? The Klan wore masks because they were ashamed to show their faces. The people who would have a problem with a gay keyboard player wouldn't do it publicly; they would talk about it behind my back. So that way, I didn't see a whole lot of resistance. On the flip side, though, I got, and still get, kids who high-five and say, 'That's so awesome you did that. Thanks for coming out back in the day. It made it easier for me. It opened a window for me.' It's a super-sweet thing I was able to do with my life that helped others.
Kids still struggle, and puberty is a hard enough time with figuring out who you are without having to deal with preconceptions and bigotry. For my nieces and nephews, it's such a blasé thing to talk about. They don't care about it. In a weird way, it takes away from the allure from what it was back then. I kind of prefer being hated, you know what I mean? It was interesting when I had a point to make and I stood out. There was a danger to being misunderstood.

Modern drummer 

Mike Bordin talks to the percussion publication in their October issue available for download and in stores now.

Faith No More has always followed its own rules. So if the band wants to wait until it's half a decade into its "comeback" to finally release a new recording, you can bet there's a good reason for it And that said album will melt your face off.
We have our own language, and it's not just musical—it's emotional and physical as well. It's a unique thing, and we had to give it time to work. When the band started getting pretty strong [live], we were like, 'Okay, now either we're done, or we're going to have something else to say.' Because if you don't have something new to say and you just keep carrying on, it becomes nostalgia. No one was here to re-create a time when we had less gray hair and more brain cells, you know? So some music came. It came gradually, it came honestly, and in my opinion it came correctly.
I'm super-proud of [Sol Invíctus], I'm proud of my guys. It's been a crazy, cool gift to have a second chance to do this with more experience and more perspective under our collective belts. I really treasure it.


Bill Gould video interview form earlier this year at NAMM

Chilean radio station audio interview with Mike Bordin.

In the #PlanMaestroRP we talked with Mike Bordin


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