On March 3rd Mike Patton joined his friends Max and Igor Cavalera onstage in San Francisco. 

Patton joined former Sepultura members Max and Igor on stage at Slim's in San Francisco, California to perform the song Lookaway, which orginally featured Patton and Korn's Jonathan Davis on guest vocals.

Last year saw the 20th anniversay of the Roots album and on the Return To Roots tour, Max and Igor are performing the record in its entirety.

This is first time Patton has performed with his long-time friends live, however he did perform with Sepultura (as they are now) in 2011.

Igor and Max spoke of the collaboration with Patton to Rolling Stone last September
Igor: I’d been friends with Mike forever, and we always tried to collaborate together on different projects. … He delivered an amazing, totally Mike Patton thing, where he totally goes off using his voice as an instrument. 
Max: I remember the first day that he showed up in the studio, he had a briefcase with him. I was like, “What’s in the briefcase, Mike?” And he said, “This is what I need to record!” He opened it up, and there was some kind of vocal delay effects box in there, and a bottle of red wine! [Laughs.] That was just so cool – it was like a 007 thing!
And Max talked about the song to Artist Direct in 2013.
"Lookaway" came out of a jam. It's a really heavy riff. Patton started singing this Indian chant, and it gave me goosebumps in the studio when he did that. It was so intense. He showed up in the studio with a Samsonite briefcase. I was like, "Mike, what's up with the briefcase?" He said, "It's what I need to record". It had an echo pedal inside for his voice and a bottle of wine. He opened the wine and we drank it. At one point, the three of us were on the floor of the studio going crazy and making weird noises and sounds! Jonathan took it to another level. He's singing about people with a fear of pussy, which is a crazy concept. It came out as a really cool, obscure song on Roots.

As yet no professional photos or videos have surfaced but there's plenty of fan footage on social media.

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