Happy birthday Tim Moss!

Tim Moss is Faith No More and Mike Patton's manager. He also plays guitar for the SF band Porn, and his previous bands include Ritual Device.

This is how the man is described on Porn's Facebook page.
"I like making fucked-up records” - If you've ever crossed paths with Porn mastermind Tim Moss, you know he looks like a fucking metal wizard and plays like Lucifer. The towering, long-haired, long-bearded California resident, Moss is the guiding force behind Porn. This is a man skilled in compacting your skull like the trash collector, rattling gray matter with seriously psychedelic beauty and repetitive riffs thick enough to abbreviate your lung capacity. Although Moss steers clear of the conventional, his primary goal is not to piss people off -- that's just one of his many perks from the gig. He thrives on making brutal noise that exposes rock's gut parts as chunks of distortion and loops of feedback. Porn has released 4 albums over the years; the first being on the now defunct label Man’s Ruin Records, the last, a collaboration with Japanese noise-artist Merzbow.

Here are some cool moments from Porn and the Sol Invictus Tour where we can see Old Man Moss himself.


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