Our latest roundup of Faith No More news posted on our social media forums.
  • Bill Gould plays 'name that tune' with his own music in an exlcusive interview with
Faith No More’s Bill Gould Is King for, Well, Three Minutes in Rockers’ BlockThe FNM bassist shreds this latest edition -- no small victory

  • Bill Gould will be special guest at the Colombian music conference Resonancia. The event is on from October 12-14th.

"One of the goals of the festival is the creation of audience, bringing this music to a wider audience, in coexistence with the music lover admirer and regular followers of this style. To achieve this objective discussion forums will take place after the concerts, in which issues related to the creative process, art and sound experimentation, sharing ways of approaching these and modern aesthetics will be played. "

It probably shouldn’t surprise us anymore when bands get back together, even if for a couple of nights (it might surprise us if Jim Martin left his pumpkin farm and joined in again, but that’s never gonna happen). Rock ‘n’ roll has no place left to go, so repackaging and remastering or the only Rs that matter anymore. But just sometimes an album gets the reissue treatment that gives you goosebumps because it’s so crisp and firm and tangible. Chuck lives!


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