MIKE PATTON introduced us to MONDO CANE 11 years ago!

In May 2007 Mike Patton performed Mondo Cane for the first time at three shows in Italy. These were arrangements and interpretations of italian songs from the golden age of the 50's and 60's for voice with a band, small choir and Philarmonic Orchestra Arturo Toscanini conducted by Aldo Sisillo

“… My purpose in revisiting these pieces is not to relive the past, not for nostalgia, but more to illustrate through modern and adventurous interpretation exactly how vital and important this music still is.” - Mike Patton

The performances were hosted by AngelicA festival and took place on May 24th at Teatro Rossini (Lugo), May 25th Teatro Comunale (Modena) and Piazzale delle Terme Berzieri (Salsomaggiore). They eventually led to the recording of an album released in 2010. 


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