Remembering CHUCK MOSLEY one year on.

Chuck Mosley.....original full time singer of Faith No More, lifetime friend to Bill Gould and Roddy Bottum, founder of Cement and VUA, one time singer for Bad Brains, father, Grandad, friend, chef, skater punk and all round genuine nice guy with a haircut that killed.....has been gone for a whole year.

Who better to pay tribute to his memory than friend and band mate Doug Esper.

I want to get in an argument today. I want to fight. I feel like picking up the phone and bickering, but today marks a year since Chuck Mosley and I could do that.

We spent a lot of time at odds on several issues regarding our tour, our shows, our band line up, our recording, artwork, setlists, merch design, hell, we didn’t even like the same pizza toppings.
Chuck frustrated me more than anyone else I dealt with and I like to think I provided the same joy to him. It wasn’t vicious or personal, but we didn’t know any other way to operate. Chuck had a vision. I had a budget. He had a pure artistic drive and I admired it, even when his desires made things difficult. 
My favorite fights were when I gave in to his requests only to have him change his mind and then argue against me, forcing me to defend a point of view I hadn’t wanted to support anyway. 
One thing Chuck and I always agreed on was that not only was our bickering necessary, but that it was healthy to our relationship. He pushed me out of my comfort zone. He forced me to live a little, take chances, gasp, he wanted me to have fun. I pulled him back from the edge. I forced him to consider his audience, his legacy, gasp, I wanted him to have a career.
Through bickering we carved out a tour and a record and allowed him some first hellos and final goodbyes. Our time on the road proved a huge success and an utter failure at the same time. We cemented his place as a stellar songwriter…and yes, Chuck would’ve argued until I removed my corny Cement shout out. 
Chuck has been gone for a year, and I miss him more each day. I miss his jokes. I miss his voice. And I miss our fights.

Doug Esper.

Now go and grab your copy or Introduce Yourself and rock out, we are pretty sure that’s what Chuck would’ve wanted. RIP brother.


  1. Wonderful Doug love you for this! Thank you dude! Will go and listen to Indoria now after the show I recorded you and Chuck did in Milton Keynes x ✌🏻

    1. thanks, bud! milton keynes was a great night...i think the club had laundry so we got clean clothes :)

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