TOUR SOL INVICTUS | 27.09.2015 | Santiago
Santiago Gets Louder. Santiago, Chile.
Tour Poster
Designed by Vance Kelly and available at Secret Serpents.
Radio Futuro 88.9
Nacion Rock
Rock Nvivo
Santiago Gets Louder. Santiago, Chile.
Tour Poster
Designed by Vance Kelly and available at Secret Serpents.
Yes, Mike P hurt his back last night at Rock in it's a bit better. Hoping for best tomorrow in Santiago!! Final show of the tour!
— Billy Gould (@MRGOULD) September 26, 2015
Promo Video
Set List
From Out Of Nowhere
Everything's Ruined
Black Friday
Midlife Crisis
Chinese Arithmetic
Gentle Art Of Making Enemies
Separation Anxiety
Ashes To Ashes
Sol Invictus
Cone Of Shame
We Care A Lot
Reviews / Photos
Waiting for mike
— Billy Gould (@MRGOULD) September 27, 2015
Radio Futuro 88.9
Faith No More en Santiago Gets Louder 2015: Un Manjar
The second song was the one who opened fire immediately:
'From Out of Nowhere', a classic of its album The Real Thing (1990) that broke
out in a parched rock crowd, although not sound keyboard with efficient
property . The barking we anticipated the powerful 'Caffeine' rang with Billy
Gould noting its power to low and detached wonder of "Angel Dust"
(1992) as 'Everything's Ruined' great success of the show.
The shift was to the remarkable 'Evidence' in Spanish with a
sound that was going to accommodating more and more, and problems with the
keyboards were correcting, and 'Epic', another jewel of old that could not
miss, and all the fans were very happy as he was giving the show so far.
But Patton until that moment had not had much interaction
with the public, which is a classic and the total aggregate shows FNM. It's
time to 'Midlife Crisis' and before starting Patton and Spanish very
Mexicanized says "wait a moment, this song is dedicated to a very, very
special old poet, philosopher and TV presenter ... their name is Mr. Don
Corleone !! Chanchisco. ", sparking laughter in the crowd. Obviously both
for him and his fans that episode of the Telethon with Don Francisco he stood
rooted as one of the key moments of his romance with Chile. It also gave repeating
prompted by the public, "a delicacy", as was the word used in the
video of his arrival in Chile. The theme rang with wave disco parties as Patton
announced, which proved to be a great live version.
Faith No More: buscando el equilibrio
By Cristián Valderrama
A scenario completely dyed white, with countless flower
arrangements and a disco ball hanging on top received the band, also dressed in
white. Mike Patton was born in wheelchairs to center stage, and from there He
began to sing "Motherfucker" theme of his latest album Sol Invictus
(2015), the first after 18 years of silence. And "recovered", the
singer got up and "From out of Nowhere" became the first big punch of
the night.
Then two large cuts of Angel Dust (1992) succeeded:
"Caffeine" and "Everything's Ruined", the latter with
extensive work Mike Bordin on drums and Billy Gould on bass, seasoned with the
unmistakable voice of Patton.
The ballad "Evidence" something came to calm
tempers, sung in Spanish, and a classic of the group when it comes to visit,
bringing greater insight is achieved with the national audience. "This is
a manjars" Patton says, referring to the popular Chilean video that went
viral on social networks. Little lasted this moment of relaxation, since
"Epic," an emblem of his compositions, brought back strength, as a
hymn being sung by all, with their fists. In its final part (keyboards) melody
was echoed by the public.
Roddy Bottum (keyboards) and its frontman were responsible
for addressing those present in a Spanish that increasingly strive to deliver
the best possible way, as well as "soaking" of the Creole culture
with Chilean slang and scribbles. After the new "Black Friday",
"Midlife Crisis" inevitable another of Angel Dust - appeared and was
dedicated to Don Francisco, "Don Corleone".
A trip to the past came from the hand of "Chinese
Arithmetic", a surprise cut of his second plate Introduce Yourself (1987),
while still voice Chuck Mosley. "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies"
causes more uproar as "Easy", original of The Commodores, masterfully
versioned by the quintet, he rocked the hands of the audience swaying melody.
"Separation Anxiety" (with Patton singing so
paranoid) and "Matador" of Sol Invictus brought new issues to the
ring, but did not seem greatly encourage those present, which changed
dramatically with "Ashes to Ashes". "Superhero" -better
recibida- was commissioned to finish the first part of the show.
After a short break that served to take some forces, Faith
No More lashed with new songs: "Sol Invictus" and "Cone of
Shame" and gave the coup de grace with "We Care a Lot", with low
Gould impeccable and precise sounding guitar Jon Hudson. Finishing, Faith No
More a picture was taken with a Chilean flag unfurled, then thanked the
unconditional support of the national public, that with which they already have
a special symbiosis and which receives as one house on each visit.
Faith No More: La nostalgia quedó atrás
By Maria de los Angeles Cerda / Photos Jorge Lopez
The enormous respect Faith No More has gained not only from
the fans but also the musicians lies in the authenticity that has always left
the edge of the mainstream, too strange to be pop, too absurd to be metal. And
on that layer they have built time-tested songs, venerated by the local public.
Nobody can explain why the Chileans called attention both Faith No More, but
have followed suit. Last night was no exception, and in between greetings,
smiles and mutual cheers, Californians culminated the cycle of "Sol
Invictus", but not before promising a speedy return. Indeed, the freshness
of Californians still in full force.
El rugido de Santiago Gets Louder invadió la capital
By Marcelo Contreras
The last to enter was Mike Patton wheelchair and with a cane
in his lap, an allusive chistecillo his phenomenal whack a few days ago at Rock
in Rio, when his booby the hearing ended in a ditch. The band blasted with
Motherfucker, one of the featured tracks from his latest album this year Sol
Invictus. Of course, the singer was not seriously injured. Less your throat. As
Patton was even better than in many streamings that could
pre-screen to Santiago Gets Louder, it is that you could tell was the final
show of a tour that saw the band trying to take its place once and for all, and
in part he succeeded. Chile is a special case. Love by Faith No More and the
figure of Mike Patton makes every occasion FNM in these parts is massive, but
the rest of the world is a cult band, closer to indie, and from that margin is
commendable see Faith No More so comfortably leading a festival, taking the
center of the light, not just earning it, but also with the feeling that they
were born for that. Maybe that's why they picked that scenario to close this
tour and seeing 85 minute show without doubt that it was a good decision.
The FNM was set concise, compact, without further ado, and
so enjoyed the band plays topics recently, as " Spirit "which
closes" Introduce Yourself "(1987), or" Chinese Arithmetic
"on the same disk which sounded especially well with many ties in with the
sound of "Sol Invictus". Of course, the most memorable moments came
with the classics. "Midlife Crisis" was not only the breaking wave
disk, but was also featured as a song "Don Chanchisco Corleone" for
Patton at any moment take him to the Festival of Vine, because he enjoys every
chilenizada size shooting like It was the best of his life. But it also sounded
very strong new songs. " Black Friday "sounded like a song that could
easily have sent Morrissey few years ago; " Separation Anxiety "pure
anxiety and transmitting power; " Matador "and" Cone Of Shame
"had increased the gloom of the double disc, and so none of these songs
was short relative to the whole. Of course the audience reactions were quite
mesuradas amid the crowd about it. Obviously, many do not understand that this
is not a show to display a set of greatest hits, as were all previous shows,
but here FNM showed a new material, with all that that implies.
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